The eighth studio visit has connected art and an inspiring get-together. The event was held for the first time in a "non-studio space", but for that in place with the charming genius loci. In the former salla terrena of the Knights of Malta Palace, which is now a space dedicated to contemporary art and design. A company of guests of Nikola Nováková and Adéla Mazánková met over a glass of wine and great music at the exhibition of works by Aziya.
Aziya, today lives and works in Prague, but was born in Kazakhstan, in a family of artists, visionaries, and influencers. This shaped her perception and provided the basis for creativity in self-expression. The end of the 1980s marked a transitional period in her homeland that radiated freedom and a new lifestyle. The sudden access to global media challenged the status quo and played a significant role in shaping Aziya's vision.
Aziya draws inspiration for her work from various traditional and unconventional sources, and her art reflects her constant exploration and learning. She uses media content, such as quotes and images from mass media, as a starting point, and physical properties of colour to transform them to influence the viewer's response. The characteristic element of Aziya's work is the deletion of unwanted information, which brings a new meaning to the topic. The main concept of her work is the duality of life, how it can be chaotic and calm, beautiful and ugly, good and bad.