Samples of the new fragrance with every order over 20 €.

Perfumes often carry inspiration from places that strongly influenced their creators. We believe that we could reverse this as well: Take a perfume and its ingredients plus some imagination to be ultimately transported to those places with which the scent perfectly matches. These are the introductory words of the first part of our PARADISO SLOW LIVING project. A cool travel guide standing out of the crowd. The intention of this guide is to find even in the most sought-after places the happy atmosphere of a “La Dolce Vita” by the pool.
Trying to entice someone to travel to Spain is as useless as pouring water into the sea. Of course, everyone wants to go to Spain! The second part of PARADISO SLOW LIVING will lead us right there... Time is limited and there is so much to experience so please no time spend on bullfights. After all, it's 2021. Even as we are captivated by the originality of Gaudí's architecture and we would love to spend full days at the Museo del Prado we suggest a dedicated travel program to spend the holidays in perfect harmony under the southern sun.
As basic equipment, we do recommend Chupa Chups lollipops whose logo in form of a yellow flower was created by Salvátor Dalí in 1969. Also a copy of THE most famous Spanish novel “The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha” - ideally an antique piece complemented with illustrations by famous Gabriel Doré. And of course.... the smell of PARADISO!
Architect Ricardo Bofill's work brings the meaning of the word "timeless" into life. His postmodern buildings from the early 1970s are one of our destinations: Xanadu (1971), La Muralla Roja (1973) and La Fábrica (1975) seem to emerge from a beautiful dream. Inspired by the summer residences of ancient Asian rulers, African fortifications, or medieval castles they look ancient and modern at the same time. The complex La Fábrica in Barcelona is already a legendary example of industrial architecture.
Thirty giant silos kept from the previous cement plant are forming a "castle" now drowned in greenery. La Muralla Roja and Xanadu are within the proximity of the seafront just an hour's drive south of the city of Alicante. Both are apartment complexes and if you are lucky enough you might be able to stay in one of the apartments via Airbnb.
The silver mantled walls of the Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art which is dominating the Bilbaos landscape since late 1990 seem to hover over the vineyards of La Rioja reflecting its lines of vine and beds of lavender. Frank O. Gehry's second building is placed in the small wine town of Elciego. The Hotel “Marqués de Riscal” is the center of a vineyard carrying the same name. This five-star living Hotel (also dotted with a Michelin-star restaurant) definitely proves that top-quality wine is produced exactly here. 43 elaborate rooms to enjoy sun, wine, peace, and quietness.
We don't know if it's the greatest well-being or the biggest adrenaline kick? Probably both. It is definitely freedom. We are talking about surfing which is a competition at this year's Summer Olympics for the very first time. Taking the topic from an ambitious angle it is our turn to qualify for the next Olympics in four years. One day of enjoying splashes on sunny beaches won't be enough though... The mighty waves at the shores of the Biscay Bay are real. We pass by the San Sebastian venue of the famous film festival and then the already quoted Bilbao and continue to head west towards the town of Tapio de Casarie. Our goal is actually a surfing school: Escuela de Surf Picante run by Pedrín Obegero. Remember this surname, you will hear it again soon. Then just the smell of salt water, surf wax, and victory over the waves.

1 1/2 pounds octopus (frozen)
4 large potatoes
1/4 cup olive oil (Spanish extra virgin, to drizzle)
Salt (to taste)
1 dash paprika (sweet Spanish)
steps to follow:
1. Gather the ingredients.
2. Boil a large pot of water over high heat. Remove the octopus from the freezer and place it directly in the boiling water. Cook until tender—this usually takes about 1 hour for a 1 to 2-pound octopus. To test its tenderness, insert a knife where the legs and head meet. If it goes in easily, it's ready to eat.
3. Remove the octopus from the water and allow it to cool. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
4. Cut the chilled meat into bite-size chunks, slicing the legs in 1/2-inch rounds and the head into thin strips.
5. Rinse the potatoes and clean with a vegetable brush. Fill a medium-sized pot halfway with water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Boil the potatoes until they can easily be pierced with a fork, about 20 to 25 minutes.
6. Drain the potatoes and rinse under cold running water. Allow the potatoes to cool, then peel. Slice into rounds approximately 1/3-inch thick.
7. Arrange the potato slices on a serving platter. Place the octopus on top. Drizzle with olive oil. Season with salt and sweet paprika over top and serve.
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