Samples of the new fragrance with every order over 20 €.

From cubism to art deco. On the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the birth of architect Pavel Janák (1882-1956),one of the leading figures of the Cubist movement in Czechoslovakia, we‘d like to invite you to visit a pop-up exhibition of his unique works.
That is, if you are planning a trip to Paris. The Czech Center in Paris is organizing a representative exhibition of furniture, home accessories, glass, wooden toys, porcelain and ceramics until April 3rd. Replicas of Pavel Janák's original designs which are still created nowadays in collaboration with Modernista and the Museum of Applied Arts in Prague, are keeping Janák's work alive and thus accessible to all of us. For Paris which perceives Cubism through classical art forms, the unique Czech blend of architecture and everyday objects is an unusual and new perspective.
The era of Cubism and specifically its significant Czech form is one of the fundamental sources of inspiration for Pigmentarium. For us, Cubism is inextricably linked with the perfume EROTIKON and its presentation. Seduction in soulful purity: it was Vanda Janda and Mónica Sofia, whose naked beauty was hidden only by an armchair by Josef Gočár. A strong pictorial narration by Hana Knížová's lens dates from 2019. In the new version of the Erotikon campaign from 2022, Jana Plesníková plays with a bottle on the back of Janák's legendary chair.
The outstanding architect, urban planner, designer and pedagogue Pavel Janák (1882–1956) was a leading theorist of the Czech Cubist movement. He saw the sloping surfaces and crystalline shapes of Cubism as an expression of the presence of human spiritual power overcoming the formative forces of nature. Janák's ceramics from 1911 significantly influenced the face of Czech and European Art Deco. Despite the practical limitations that objects of everyday use represents for the artist-designer, the author was able to apply his artistic concept with feeling and elegance, revealing his unique abilities.
from 10 to 27 March 2022
Czech Concept Store
18 Rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris
Jana Plesníková on the chair by Pavel Janák in the Erotikon campaign by Daniela Pilná 2021.
Vanda Janda in the chair of Josef Gočár in the Erotikon campaign by Hana Knížová 2019.