The large Baroque building with a beautiful courtyard in the center of Mikulov which Daniel Piršč bought as a residence for his studio was originally a coaches inn. It was named “U Divokého muže” (At a wild man) - PIRŠČ PORCELAIN is based here since 2005 and from the point of view of an external observer the house no longer deserves that name at present time.
Daniel Piršč, also an associate professor at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, speaks in a thoughtful and quiet voice, his gestures supporting his statements. He interprets his successes simply as “ it just happened”.
Absolutely necessary props are a french press for a hearty consumption of coffee (of course served in a cup of his own collection "Maryša"), a pool table, and a cat, who is always ready to stamp your pants with porcelain dust which her paws are picking up whilst strolling around the studio. The building radiates the same energy as the whole city of Mikulov. There are things that seem to belong to a much larger city. For example, you’ll find a high ceiling hall making the heritage of the original inn visible.
The white-painted spaces are ready to host a large art company at any time. A bar counter, that billiard table we mentioned before, and just a few pieces of carefully selected designer furniture are mixed in with old bazaar pieces. Spacious French windows connect this area with a large grassy courtyard during the summer.
Piršč's works are distributed here only as if left there by chance and do not intentionally dominate the place: a steel-blue falcon "flies" for example on the largest wall. The connecting corridor to the workshops is decorated with two large four-leaf clovers which are the largest pieces of the collection of the so-called 3D wallpapers, one of the most famous products of this contemporary porcelain manufactory. All artistic production is concentrated in the building of the former stables. The long vault once housed more than thirty horses.
High above its original floor today a modern concrete surface is connecting the space onto a single level. This has created an elongated room that is illuminated through the south windows and which is filled with kilns, desks, and shelves full of fired porcelain, molds, and already finished objects.
The shelves, full of newly produced porcelain a composition by itself revealing the constant development of Daniel’s work and displaying his different creative periods. The diversity and the pure number of design ideas as well as the unprecedented technologies of porcelain finishing reveal that Daniel Piršč has been working in the field for several decades. From the time of studies at the Prague Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in the early 1990s through active participation in the local design festival "Křehký Mikulov" to at the moment classified projects which will be presented later this year.
It is probably not too optimistic to believe that everyone in the Czech Republic knows Mikulov. You know it, but you might not find it immediately on a map - one point is clear though: Mikulov is located within the beautiful scenery of South Moravia.
Knowing where Mikulov is located still doesn’t mean that everyone has visited the city itself. Some started a visit in one of the countless local wine cellars and ultimately the remaining knowledge about Mikulov is already a bit worn out. For them and for those who have not yet visited this special city we are happy to provide you with a handy promotional leaflet. A description of a layman who discovered the place to which he has been returning ever since: Do not go to Mikulov for a day trip: It's as unsatisfactory as planning a tour to the Metropolitan Museum for just an afternoon. Stay at least for one night. Stajnhaus or K2 fits in perfectly for us and we fit into them. However, there are definitely a lot more similar accommodation places in Mikulov.
When you stand in the square next to the beautiful plague column the impressive sights of Mikulov will literally pile up on all sides. A monumental castle whose restored garden spreads out onto the terraces and are resembling a theatrical backdrop. The ruins of Kozí hrádek on a hill surprisingly within the town. The “Holy hill” with the bright, white church of St. Sebastian. A building housing the tomb of the late Princess of Dietrichstein which is dominating the square. And finally: the closest sight to the plague pillar is a magnificent building which used to be a church. The city owes the Dietrichstein family its Italian appearances which are in perfect harmony with the surrounding landscape. But don't stay long with the lead coffins: Mikulov is alive!
The city lives by art and inherited craftsmanship for generations. Undoubtedly the most famous is the art of making wine which entered the twenty-first century in the best possible condition. The beautiful landscape has lately been sprinkled with new and modern vineyards. Made out of glass, wood, and concrete by the best local architects these vineyards offer you the pleasure of tasting (and buying) the best local wines…. just let go and immerse yourself.